Useful Guidelines for Optimizing your Website in Search Engines

How can you Improve your Website’s Search Engine Ranking

Update your Site with “Good” Content

As Google master Matt Cutts has mentioned, website content should be unique, innovative and complete. We don’t have to write articles for our site every day, but when we do, we do it well.

Organize Content

The user should be able to easily and quickly find what they are looking for on a website. User navigation within the website is an important factor in seo.

Outbound Links

The external links of a website are those that point to a different domain than ours. It is important to have as few external links as possible as they “weaken” our own domain page rank.

Meta Tags

Each page of our site must have a unique meta-title & meta-description to be readable by users and search engines.

Structured Data

By using the service, we can create structured data on our site pages and help search engines better recognize our site content.


Using a blog on a website shows search engines that there is “fresh” content and they should visit it often.