High Flyers Google Partners

2016 ended with a major success for Simple, Google selected us for the High Flyers Google Partners program, thanks to the high performance we achieved for our Adwords clients.

It is a 3-month intensive training program at Google’s offices, in topics related to Digital Marketing, Adwords, Business Strategy and Analytics.

In this article we will share with you some important information that we have gained from the High Flyers program.

1. Online Consumers

80% of consumers are online at least once a day.

80% of consumers are online at least once a day.

2. Use of Devices by Users in Greece

Users from Greece use at least 2 devices to browse the internet.

Users from Greece use at least 2 devices to browse the internet.

3. Incompatibility Issues on Sites from Mobile Users

50% of users who use mobile phones to browse the internet face incompatibility problems with sites. 23% of these users choose another website that is compatible with mobile devices.

50% of users who use mobile phones to browse the internet face incompatibility problems with sites. 23% of these users choose another website that is compatible with mobile devices.

4. Searches from Mobile

43% of searches on search engines are made from mobile devices (smartphones).

43% of searches on search engines are made from mobile devices (smartphones).

5. Mobile Website Loading Speed

  • 40% of mobile users abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
  • 47% of mobile users expect a website to load in under 2 seconds.
  • 52% of mobile users consider that a high loading speed of a website is important for the credibility and Brand of the business.
Mobile Site Loading Speed