How do you Know if Visitors Like your Site?

In order to judge whether visitors “like” your website, it is necessary to connect your site to Google Analytics.

In this article we will show you the most important things to look out for:

1. Bounce Rate

It is the percentage of visitors who immediately leave the website after their first entry. The lower the bounce rate the better for you. It has been observed that a website with a custom design can reduce this percentage quite a bit.

2. Average Length of Time per Visit

The time spent on a site is important to be as long as possible. It shows that the content and layout of the website help the user find what they are looking for.

3. Returning Visitors

The percentage of repeat visitors shows the loyalty of users to a website. It helps in branding the business and it is good to have increasing trends over time.

4. Conversion Rate

One of the most useful features of google analytics is the creation of site goals.

Examples of goals can be: contact page, offers page, product purchase, etc. After setting your goals, you can track the conversion rate of visitors to customers.

That is, how many of those who visited your website achieved your goals.

Read more about website redesign with 9 tips to outrank your competitors.