Search Operators: Learn how to Search Better on Google

Find targeted results in the Google search engine using search operators.

Search Operators: Learn how to search better on Google

What are Search Operators?

Search operators (Google Search Operators) are special characters that you can add to search terms and extend the search capabilities of Google.

They are helpful in promoting websites to find relevant content and build backlinks.

In this article, we list 13 useful search operators and examples of how to use them:

Basic Search Operators

1. “search term”

Put any word or text in quotes (” “) to display exact match results:

“schools USA”

Otherwise, results with similar phrases may appear.

2. OR

With the OR operator between two words you can find results that include one or the other search term:

“USA” OR “school USA”

3. AND

With the AND operator between two words you can find results that include both search terms:

“school” AND “USA”

4. ( )

Use parentheses to group search terms and control the order in which they are executed:

(primary school OR schools) USA

5. –

Use the – (minus) operator to exclude a term or phrase:

(primary school OR schools) USA – public

6. *

By using the asterisk *, you can include any word or phrase:

*usa schools

7. €

Use the Euro symbol to find prices:

For example: €800 laptop

8. @

Use the @ symbol to find results on social media:

schools @facebook

Advanced Search Operators

9. site:

Find search results for a specific domain.

For example,

10. related:

Find websites with similar content.

For example,

11. intitle:

Find pages that contain specific words in the title.

For example, intitle:schools

12. inurl:

Find pages that contain specific words in the url.

For example, inurl:news

13. intext:

Find pages that contain specific words in the content.

For example, intext:school