Stop Fraud Clicks on Google Ads Now

Did you know that 40% of clicks on your ads come from bots?

According to the latest statistics for 2018:

  • 51.8% of internet traffic comes from machines (bots)
  • On average, for every €92 spent on advertising, only €1 is actually spent on acquiring new customers
  • Only 22% of businesses are satisfied with ad conversion rates (Conversion Rate = Final Buyers / Visitors)

Where do Fraud Clicks come from?

Fraud clicks mostly come from competitors and bots, with the aim of constantly draining your advertising budget.

Competitor Click

The purpose of competitors is to constantly drain the budget and take your customers.


51.8% of internet traffic comes from machines (bots). Some of these bots are designed to fraud clicks on ads.

Click Farms

These are large networks with thousands of IPs, used by competitors to eliminate your ads from search results.


What Google is Doing about Fraud Clicks

Recently Google has developed a sophisticated system that tracks fraud clicks across all of its advertising accounts.

So when it detects a fraud click it automatically registers it as invalid and doesn’t charge it to your account.

Although the system is sophisticated, it has weaknesses.

The problem is that it only detects automated bots based on their behavior and IP.

But when a real person or a sophisticated bot clicks on your ads, they can confuse Google’s system and bill the clicks as valid.

To solve this problem Google allows users to block specific ips to protect their account.

In addition, it enables users, once every two months, to request a recheck of their account for fraud clicks that have been counted as valid.

How Easy it is for Google to Refund you

First of all, you should document to Google that you believe that fraud clicks are being made on your ads.

You should send a screenshot from the analytics for each date you suspect that there is unjustified traffic on your site and of course support your position.

In addition, you should send the log files from the server for the respective dates.

In practice, it is a very time-consuming process and without significant results.

What can you do to Protect

You should monitor your site’s google ads and analytics on a daily basis and in case you see:

  • wide variation in dropout rate
  • quick exhaustion of the budget
  • decrease in sales

create a file with the above reports for each day together with the logs files from the server, document to Google why you are requesting control of your account and send an email to

The relevant Google department will receive all the information and respond to you within 2 weeks.

Full Protection of your Account

If you need complete protection against the growing and evolving illegal activity, then a professional solution is essential that:

  • It automatically blocks all suspicious ips
  • It tracks all visits to your page
  • It works 24/7 non-stop
  • Saves up to 30% of your budget
  • It optimizes your campaigns
  • Makes all the necessary applications for a refund from Google
  • Contact google ads support about the suspicious activity

Contact us today