Useful Reports in Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free web platform from google, for the collection, processing and analysis of traffic data of a website or mobile application.

Below we mention some useful reports offered by google analytics:

Audience Reports

Audience reports help us understand the characteristics of users who have visited our website.

They give us information about users’ geographic location, the type of device they used to access our website, how often they visit our website, etc.

Acquisition Reports

Acquisition reports help us understand how users found our site or app. 

It is important for every business to know the source/medium of origin of users for effective digital marketing investment.

We can identify users who came through seo, adwords, email, referrals, direct, etc.

Adwords Reports

These are reports related exclusively to the display of our advertisements on Google Adwords.

Useful information such as geographic location of users who clicked on our ads, cost of ads, revenue per ad, ROI calculation and other data are available in this section.

Behavior Reports

Our behavioral reports show how users interact with our site or app. 

They show us which pages of our site are viewed the most, how they change pages, how they use the site’s internal search engine, etc.