What is Online Marketing and why you Should Invest in it Properly

Online Marketing is about promoting your online business on the internet through various channels.

Some of the most important channels are search network (google search), social media, video, e-mail and display network (display).

Most users interact with these channels every day and this is where online marketing helps businesses to be present at the right time to convince potential buyers.

What is Online Marketing

The Internet is changing the way people buy products or services.

And now with mobile internet, that experience is everywhere. They have the ability to compare products, conduct surveys, share experiences, make recommendations or reviews, all digitally.

Businesses will need to stand out in these channels in order to convince potential buyers and sell their products or services.

The 3 main types of channels are:

  • Paid advertising: includes Google Adwords, Facebook Ads and Display marketing.
  • Owned Media: includes website, customer emails, blog, etc.
  • Earned Media: is your website’s reach in organic results. Includes reviews from social media, articles, press releases, etc

The above channels are the cornerstone of online marketing.

So, online marketing is the process of promoting your business to the path that users take while browsing the internet.

Most businesses fail in online marketing because they lack a strategy.

Investing in the creation of the appropriate strategy is the key to a successful online marketing business.

Moreover, the right UX design in digital marketing plays an important role in the success of digital marketing.

The three main areas of any strategy cover business objectives, customers and marketing.

There is no one size fits all business, each business must develop its own strategy.

Whether it’s an online business or a local one, the strategy is different, but the goal is the same, to create shared value.

And shared value exists when your customers’ goals overlap with your business goals.

Therefore, the online marketing strategy should be based on the creation of shared value between customers and businesses.