Find out how we managed in just 2 months to have more than 10,000 sales of the product and placement of Cleanbrace in more than 334 points of sale.



The CLEANBRACE disinfection bracelet is an innovative bracelet for easy hand disinfection. It is filled with any liquid antiseptic, worn on the hand and sprayed.

The Challenge

The goal of the project was to quickly penetrate CLEANBRACE into the market and sell a large inventory of products in a short period of time.

The challenges we had to face were:

  • the lack of brand awareness
  • the public’s ignorance of the use of the product
  • the absence of a digital presence
  • the need to develop a strategy that would quickly bring high sales.

The project required a high budget to achieve the client’s business objectives in such a short period of time.

The low advertising budget we were given and the time period the project had to run due to August being a holiday month were definitely two more big challenges we had to successfully tackle.

B2B Digital Marketing

We created advertising campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads with short videos that show the practicality of the product in everyday life and the easy way it works.

The campaigns were shown to over 1,000,000 users and thus we were able to easily understand the value of the product to the general public.

To find wholesale partners we used Facebook interest forms and created campaigns to attract new customers.

With personalized ads we targeted pharmacists and retail business owners with an interest in innovative products.

With the acquisition of the first partners we proceeded to create a page with the points of sale.

This action created better conditions for potential partners: the certainty that they are part of a comprehensive network of Cleanbrace partners and their online visibility.

At the same time, to further enhance the product and company recognition, we suggested donating bracelets to a popular charity.

So Cleanbrace Greece donated a bracelet to each child of the organization “The Smile of a Child”.

On September 6, the donation was posted across the organization’s social networks where it is estimated that over 900,000 social media users learned about Cleanbrace.

In addition, we took advantage of the opening of schools in September and created Facebook-Instagram ads targeting parents, with audio-visual material showing children using the product.

With the above actions, the sales of the points of sale and the online sales were significantly boosted.


The B2B digital marketing strategy we implemented fulfilled the project’s objectives.

In just 2 months, over 10,000 product sales were made and Cleanbrace placement in over 334 points of sale.

Sales turnover increased tenfold with the performance of all advertising campaigns reaching 1068% ROI.

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