Custom intranet application for registering election results.

election software

Includes: results entry, Singular Logic interface, results slideshow view, PDF Reporting and many more features.

Breaking away from the norm of applications of this kind, we used web technologies via intranet giving even more flexibility in the design of the application’s UI, without limitations.

The application’s interface was designed with easy, fast and error-free entry of results in mind.

In addition, by adding Responsive Design to the recipe, we adapted the application to all the already available screens from the small 15 inches to the 22 wide ones without leaving unused screen real estate.

The main part of the application “steps” on the Silex micro-framework.

Silex is a light version of the Symfony2 framework, an ideal solution in this case for the interconnection of custom parts of the application (PRF Reporting, Singular Logic Bridge).

In addition, the peculiarity of the specific project, which required different databases for each county, prevented the use of classic ORM’s solutions and was solved using custom SQL on a light persistence layer.

The online part of the application that concerns the presentation of results to the public, was created on the popular PHP framework Laravel.

As in the main application, the frontend was implemented with Bootstrap 3, so that we have a responsive design.

Regarding the selection of the tools we used, our preferences lean towards open source and high quality software with test coverage.

The Symfony2 and Laravel frameworks fully satisfy the above and in addition are in the top preferences of developers as you will see on github.

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